As an On Construction Domestic Energy Assessor (OCDEA) accredited by the NHER (membership 3601) Richard can help if you need a:
- SAP calculation
- SAP rating
- SAP assessment
- SAP report
- Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
- U value Calculation
- Thermal bridging calculation (Psi value)
in order to comply with:
-Part L1a (new build), or
-Part L1b (extensions and renovations), or
-as a requirement for a house sale.
Richard specialises in Part L1b SAP, U value and thermal bridging (psi value) calculations for renovations, material change of use and extensions, with glazed extensions being a speciality.
Prices start at £125.00
To contact Richard
please click on one of the numbers here
(01243 514166 or 07990 571394)
or here to email him